
Power Of Alignments

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Hey guys! 
I hope everything is okay with all of you.
I'm doing well myself. I thought I should just write down my piece on a very important spiritual topic
and that is alignment.

When we're talking of alignment, we're actually t
of things coming together because we mastered the 
art of letting thing work the way the universe planned.
I'm a great believer of manifestation and I think I've 
practice quite a lots of techniques, some of them 
worked and some uhm... I wouldn't say they didn't 
work but I'd say they're in a process of actually 
manifesting and come into reality, I believe.

When alignment begins, you tend to lose quite a lot, 
could be friends, money, sentimental belongings and other stuffs. You sometimes feel like you're losing 
your luck when that's not the case. I believe that when
that happens, God is doing something with your life.

I'm not a priest and this is not a Bible blog but I 
believe we all have a source of the the universe, 
God happens to be my source so as I was saying,
God is doing all that to prepare you for something 
even greater, things will just eventually come together and you'd be sitting there in disbelief. It's going to
be like you've found a missing puzzle.

The universe works overnight and remember, be 
careful of the things you say to yourself, be kind to 
yourself. When you say, "Nobody loves me, I'll never 
find love, I'm poor" You're actually calling those things 
into your life, you're manifesting those things and that, 
too, is the power of alignment. The things you're 
getting are everything that you've been saying to the 
universe and they're always aligning hence I'm saying 
the power alignment is just surreal.

Going forward, from today, say the good things about 
yourself. Change the narrative and speak only good
things to yourself, you'll attract good as well. 
Your alignment is always in sync with your mind so 
whatever the mind say, the universe gives.

That's all I wanted to share. Thank you for always 
reading my blog. I hope you guys are taking care of 
yourselves and remember, self love is always 
important, practice that everyday. Thanks, bye.

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