
So I Went To A Kelly Khumalo Concert


I know this may be a little late but I thought I should just share with you the fun experience I had at Kelly Khumalo's concert. Look, before I begin, I'd like to put it out there that I manifested going to Kelly's concert and the universe said, "My darling, your wish is my command" like literally. I was watching her reality show - Life With Kelly and there was an episode on season 3 were she took a fan to her concert last year, I think, and since I've been a  fan, I thought, it really would be nice to watch Kelly live, doing her things, and look, it happened, didn't it? The power of manifestation is real as long as you leave it to the universe, everything will take taken care.

Ok, let me get to the point...

I'll start from the beginning, I had two tickets to the concert and then I asked a friend of mine to tag along and she did. The show was at Emperor's Palace in Kempton Park so you know it's kinda far and expensive, especially when you use an Uber and are unemployed like me ha ha but well, we had a plan. We took a taxi to Kempton Park which really didn't cost much but going back home did cost a lot given that we had to request and Uber and it was late at night. 

When we got there, it was early so we went to News Cafe... (Before I forget, Emperor's Palace is such a beautiful place and it got such a cute vibe, loved it!) Anyways, back to News Cafe, we bought some drinks, you know, pregame vibes, we were served beautifully by this guy called Thabiso, cute boy, and he even offered me free cigarette which I felt it was a nice gesture so if you go to News Cafe in Emperor's Palace, please ask for him and you won't ever forget his beautiful service.

Ok, moving along, when the time hit 8pm, we went to the theater where Kelly was performing, I think it was called Marcellus Theater, damn! It was beautiful and good news is we were not that far from the stage which was even more exciting. 

Ok, the first set of her show was all about the new songs on her latest album called 'From A God To A King' and the truth it, I only knew two songs from the album and that is Bazothini and Akathintwa ... that kinda made the show even more interesting because after hearing songs like Mina Nawe, Isivikelo, Uzoma and  Uyathandwa I was hooked to listen to the album every day, even my students just know that Kelly Khumalo will be on my playlist during break time. And then there was this one song she sang, it's called Ngisize, that, for me, was my absolute favorite, just loved it. Kelly never disappoints with her beautiful vocals, she really gave it all for us, it was like she was not even pregnant but well, she is and that didn't stop her from bring her A+ game.

Okay, after that, we were given a 20 minutes break for Kelly to go change her costume, she was wearing a white beautiful angelic gown that made her look extraordinary. When she came back, she was wearing a red dress which also looked amazing on her. Second act was my fave, she sang sobabili, Baby please, Uthando, Esphambanweni, Ngathwala Ngaye and more retro songs that made us fall in love with her, it was quite the experience. I forgot to mention that she walked passed us as she started singing the songs on her second set, it was badass hey. And then for her last song, she performed the multi platinum hit single "Empini" and I just lost my mind, I wanted to go and hug her but I couldn't because her security would just knock me off ha ha but otherwise it was beautiful. I had the most fun there and I wouldn't wanna miss her show ever again.

Seeing Kelly in person was such a beautiful experience, she's quite a phenomenal woman and when she speaks, everything feels okay. She's got quite an authentically pure spirit  and that's one thing I've always loved about her. Everything went perfect, I was happy and if I were to rate to her concert, it would definitely be a 10/10 because I don't think there's anyone who can do it like her in Mzansi, I don't like comparing people but I'm 200% sure that Kelly Khumalo knows that she's the Beyonce of South Africa, given her vocals and work ethics, she's the IT!

Would like to thank Blu Bloods for sponsoring me with the tickets to see Kelly Khumalo, I had fun and I appreciate your kindness.

Don't forget to buy her new album called FROM A GOD TO A KING which is available on all music platforms, you're definitely going to love it.

You can also watch a video I posted on Tik Tok to see my

 experience at the concert @bongimbele_

See you again on another concert, thank you

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