

Showmax really had us hooked on their first ever original telenovela inspired
by best selling author Dudu Busani's Hlomu series. I must say, I've never been so committed 
in paying my subscription ever like I did with Showmax, honestly, it felt like a 
funeral policy for sure, I even had to cut on my grocery budget because wow, I never wanted 
to miss an episode of The Wife, yep, that's how intense it was and I made sure 
that I wake up early, clean my place and watch the series in peace  
because wow, it was amazing. 

Okay, yes, the show was amazing but there were parts or scenes, rather, 
that I didn't really enjoy because they were just boring, to be honest. 

The first season had 40 episodes which concluded on Thursday  (03 February) and
 it focused on Hlomu marrying into the Gangster Zulu family that had
so many secrets which she also found herself being part of. 
The series was very much different from what we read from the original novel 
and it had so many twist that had us forgetting what really happened on the original story 
and actually loving the twist that took place on the visuals. 
The first twist was how Hlomu met Mqhele. That's not really what happened 
on the novel since Qhawe saw Hlomu first on the telenovela but on the novel,
 Mqhele was the first to see Hlomu and pursued her, he didn't buy her any ice cream 
or had to fight with his brother over a girl, it was just straight forward, no siblings conflicts,
 just putting it out there. 

The Majola family were not on the book, not that I didn't like them, I did...
 I actually enjoyed loving to hate them because wow, they did the most, from burning
 the Zulu mansion to killing Mpande, who didn't really die on the novel but 
it was really good to see that twist, though I finished my tissue roll,  
crying on his death during that episode when  he got killed along with Nkosana's son,
 Mvelo, and Sambulo's girlfriend, Jabu. It was very heart breaking 
for everyone to see Nicki Minaj Weynkabi (as the would call him) dies, 
we just weren't ready for that. 

The story didn't only focus on gun violence but it also focused on Gender Based Abuse
 where Mqhele physically abused Hlomu multiple times on the show. 
It was not really good to see her staying in that relationship given that Mqhele did not really
 show her enough love as we read through her perspective, it just dawned on us that 
Hlomu loved Mqhele but it was not really as reciprocated as it was on the book like we read. 
I enjoyed that story and it really made sense since that's what South Africa is
 going through with women. I loved how Nkosana and Nqoba punished Mqhele
 for hitting their Makoti, it was just enjoyable to see him getting a taste of his own medicine.
A lot happened on The Wife Season 1 and we got to see a lot of talent from people like Nqoba,
 played by Abdul Khoza and his girlfriend, Mandisa, played Zikhona Sondlaka 
who were mostly praised for their amazing performance on social media, not that 
I'm saying others didn't do well, they did a very excellent job in portraying their
 character but I think, in my opinion, those two did the most on the show

I'd also like to say Hlomu was portrayed very beautifully by Mbalenhle Mavimbela, 
she literally brought the character to life with her talent. Her performance also deserves 
an award for a lead character because she went through with the character of Hlomu and 
that includes going through abuse and taking care of such a huge family. But she
 shocked us in the end when she made love to Qhawe, that was big and I felt that
 there's no turning back from this one, it totally cannot be fixed, at all! 
We really can't wait to see what season 2 has got for us since the first season left us hanging. 

I was really bored by the characters of that Mkhulu and Gogo who just came out of nowhere 
to claim that they are related to the Zulu family after all these years of not being around, 
they were really unnecessary and their part on the role just did not make any sense and to
 top it it all off, they added Nelson Ntombela to play a role which just didn't make any sense.
 I know, maybe they wanted to add humor to the show but it just didn't work, 
the humor from Nqoba has us laughing so we did not need any additional humor. 
Their roles were just unnecessary and I stand by that.

I must say, the production of this telenovela is brilliant! Their setting is beautiful, I am happy 
that they didn't use studios but real places like the rank, it just became so real. The cast is doing
their utmost best to epitomize the characters on the book and it working perfectly.
Hlomu's narration as the story goes on couldn't get any better, she is doing the most.
If I were to rate this show I'd give a 80/100 because wow! they managed to do it, 
they managed to have us wanting more and more of the story and that is so beautiful, 
it's just those boring storylines that didn't give it a perfect score. Looking forward
to see the new season

Season 2 of The Wife focuses on Zandile, Nkosana's wife who's in jail for killing her 
own mother (at least that's what we read on the novel) and it is led by the talented
 Khanyi Mbau, who will definitely kill the role of Zandile so I really wait for that,
 I'm sure of that.

You can watch season 2 of The Wife on Showmax.com every Thursday from
 17th February 2022. There will be three episodes added  every Thursday on the 
platform. Make sure you don't miss it.

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