
Advice For Class Of '21 Matriculants!

Image: Time's Live

Dear Class of '21

As you guys approach the end of  your high school year, 
I'd like to say, you guys made it! the year has been really tough 
amid the pandemic but you guys managed to actually to pull
through and now you're being tested academically for the last time
as you are busy with your last exam and I know that part 
is not easy but nonetheless, it is doable.

The truth is, you're not really done but you are paving your way
to choose a perfect career path since there is also varsity! I know 
beginning of hard work and believe me when I say it is exhausting,
depressing and it is full of work, even recess won't help you to rest
because assignments, bro! 

Some kids couldn't stand the pressure, they ended up quitting and some 
decided to end their lives by committing suicide and that is just not good. 
Look, I'm not trying to scare anyone here but you must know that 
when you go to study at varsity, you're not doing it only for yourself, you're also 
doing it for your family, to help remove them from poverty and improve the life
at home so believe me when I say the pressure is real, it's like carrying 
the world with your shoulders on your own. 

Another thing that you must know is that making it to Grade 12 alone is a big deal,
don't ever take it for granted, you're like a soldier, you've made it through many wars 
to get there so give yourself some credits when it is due. 

My advise to any grade 12 student that is busy writing their exams right now is
relax, don't give yourself too much pressure, eat healthy and drink water. Set up a 
study schedule and don't you dare bunk those morning classes, afternoon classes, 
Saturday classes offered by teachers, they do not get paid to provide you with such so just
don't waste their time, it is the least you can do for such a selfless devotion.

Another advise would be: Don't give up on yourself, go easy on yourself, 
know that you are capable, yes you can. When you make time for studying, 
there is definitely no chance that you are going to fail.

We know, at some point, life has plans of it own, you may not do well
as you thought you would but can that not be the end of your world,
the Department of education is around to offer you a chance to rewrite your matric, 
supplement or upgrade your marks, there is always a chance to redeem yourself.

With all that being said, I wish you well. May you slay those exams like the way you
dance when an amapiano song is playing (I am joking!)

Good luck. All the best!

Yours truly,

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