Hello Good People!!!

I thought I should share with you my coming out story, 
it is not really a long story but well, IT IS MY STORY AFTER ALL. 
Growing I hid my sexuality from the world because I was scared of what people 
will say about me. If I knew what I know now about being gay and how cool it is, 
I wouldn't have hidden my sexuality at all but you know the world we live in, 
people live off bringing other people down even though some of us are trying to live our 
truth in this cruel world. 

Back to MY STORY, growing up I was asked if I was gay a lot of times 
but I would just brush it off because like I said, I was scared of what people will say about it, 
I had girlfriends, not because I loved them but simply because I wanted the world to think 
I was straight (sorry girls!). 

As I got to high school, my feelings for other guys grew even more but I never acted on them, 
I continued with my straight life though all my relationships with girls never reached 3 months 
but I pushed with hopes that maybe one will stay longer but they did not. 
I even had to shout at my Sciences teacher for calling me gay in front of everyone, 
he lost the case, I won because everybody was on my side. 

Finished school in 2014, that was when I realized that it is NO use 
hiding anymore because I was old enough to make my decision so 
So on our 21st birthday, I CAME OUT to my twin BROTHER 
(If you didn't know I have a twin brother who's very much identical to me
but straight, that's a story for another day).
and he said he knew for a while,
he just needed me to tell him myself, that was a relief.

Went to my MOTHER and I was like "Mom, I am pretty sure you have known this for the longest 
time but I am telling you right now, I am gay" she just smiled and said she knew about it
since I was four,who was I fooling really? then one moment I just decided to come out on
 Facebook with a post and guess what? I got the greatest support with people commenting 
and DM'ing me admiring the bravery that most of them don't have, even to this day I still 
appreciate that support I got from Facebook it made me greater and stronger.

 After that, I started expressing myself on my own terms, I wore clothes that made me happier, comfortable and gayer HA HA HA... I am grateful to everyone that accepted me for who I am and to those that still choose to hate on gay people, you need to calm down 
because that hatred doesn't pay rent or help me grow in any way,
 instead I am more happier with or without your approval.

 Thank you

See you again.



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